Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Rosemont Family Day 2019-20

How is it DECEMBER already?? Surely I am not the only person wondering this...

In the past two months, we had a parent information meeting about the GROW program, the 2nd grade audition, the 2nd grade pre-visit, the first tour for all grades, the second tour for 3rd grade, AND the Rosemont Family Day! Even as I type this, I can barely believe how much we've done in such a short amount of time.

Let's begin with fun pictures from the November 16 Rosemont Family Day. What fun we had! Our event included a scavenger hunt, family tours, yummy treats from Doc Popcorn, a caricature artist, two artist-led activities, and a mariachi band performance!

Building with Unconventional Materials with artist Liz Trosper

Exquisite Corpse Drawings with artist Joel Murray

Caricatures with Art by Sam

Mariachi performance by the Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy

Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us. I loved seeing so many GROW students, and watching their excitement as they showed their families the sculptures they visited during GROW tours.  :)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful day at the Nasher! Thank you for coordinating such a meaningful and FUN event for all who attended. :-)
