Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Letter To GROW Students

Dear GROW friends,

Hello! How are you? How does it feel to be a 3rd or 4th or 5th grader?

I sure have missed seeing you at the Nasher. I have a feeling some of you look a little different. Maybe your hair is longer? Or is it shorter? I bet a bunch of you are taller, too! My hair has grown a lot longer since our last tour. I'm not any taller, though. 😊

Are you going to school in person or attending virtually from home? I have worked from home since March, but I have had a few chances to visit the Nasher and see my co-worker friends as well as my sculpture friends. 😄  My two children have gone to school both in person and virtually. Right now, they're at home in virtual school.

If you'd like to share anything with me, please write in the comments below!

Since we're not able to meet at the Nasher, I've made a few videos for you to watch. The first one is a short introduction on what we might see and do during our videos.

The second video takes a long look at one of our newest sculptures. I think it might also be one of my favorites. 💗 You can watch the whole video all at once, or you can watch a little bit one day, a little bit another day - however you like.

Please check back here every once in a while. I'll share more letters, pictures, and videos. If you don't comment here, you can always share a message or photo with Ms. Lawson, and she'll pass it on to me.

I miss you, GROW friends! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.



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