Thursday, January 31, 2019

Real or Not Real Tour, Part Two

At our next stop, we began by looking at the sculpture and imagining what might be going on. Before we began our conversation, students wrote a short story based on what they observed in the sculpture. They could use one of the following prompts, or begin the story however they wanted:

Last night, I had the strangest dream...

Have I ever told you about the time I...

Once upon a time in a land far, far away...

What story would you write about this sculpture?

Below are a few student stories!

Julia, 3rd grade
Ingrid, 4th grade
Samua, 5th grade
This sculpture is called The King Playing with the Queen. How does this sculpture show a king playing with a queen? Which part of the sculpture do you think is the king? Which is the queen?  What is the large figure doing with its right hand? With its left hand? 

The artist, Max Ernst, loved to play chess. He even made his own chess set

Chess Set with with Board by Max Ernst
3rd grade

4th grade

4th grade

4th grade

5th grade

5th grade

5th grade