Friday, November 22, 2013

First GROW visit to the Nasher

Today marked the first GROW visit to the Nasher!  Participating students viewed artworks by Alexander Calder, Isamu Noguchi and Joan Miro related to the theme of  animals in art.

Visit 1 Vocabulary:
  • Assemble
  • Mobile / Standing Mobile
  • Biomorphic
  • Carving
  • Casting
  • Lunar
  • Crescent
  • Surrealism
  • Modeling

Tracing the curvy legs of Alexander Calder's Spider

Discussing how Spider might move

Writing in brand new journals - students will keep these for all 5 years

Thinking hard about an artwork response

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Student Audition for first year of GROW

We held our audition for the first year of the GROW program in the Rosemont library. Forty-five students applied, and completed writing prompts based on works in the Nasher collection.  Students were asked to share their thoughts about viewing art in a museum, write a response to Frank Stella's Diepholz II, and compare and contrast Pablo Picasso's Head of a Woman (Fernande) with Roy Lichtenstein's Head with Blue Shadow. Based upon these responses and teacher recommendations, we selected 20 students to participate in the program.

We had a great turnout for our audition

Writing a response to Frank Stella

Comparing and contrasting Picasso and Lichtenstein