Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Nature of Arp Tour, Part Three

Before moving on to our next sculpture, we filled out a Mad Lib together. I asked volunteers to raise their hands and give me examples of adjectives, verbs, nouns, and body parts to fill in the blanks below:
3rd grade
4th grade
We read aloud our (sometimes silly) poems. This Mad Lib is based on a poem written by Jean Arp.  Below is his version:

i awoke from a deep and dreamless sleep
with disagreeable objects on my face
sophie said they were a big fly a mustache
and a little mandolin
i had no intention whatsoever of removing them
quite the opposite
i remained motionless so that they wouldn’t fall from my face

Afterward, we looked for a sculpture that seemed to connect with this poem.
3rd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
5th grade
Sculptures are often one big piece.  In Three Disagreeable Objects on a FaceArp created a sculpture made of multiple parts. Do any of the small pieces look like a big fly, a mustache, or a little mandolin from Arp's poem?

These small pieces are not attached to the large piece that they rest on. Arp allowed viewers to move the parts around as they chose, so he could not plan or control how the sculpture looked. Where would you place the small pieces if you were allowed to rearrange this sculpture? 

Three Disagreeable Objects on a Face by Jean Arp

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